Welcome to the OtakuRave Nightmarket Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A) page. This page was designed to answer the most common questions we receive from our exhibitors and visitors.

Whether you are an exhibitor looking to understand the application process, a visitor curious about what they can expect from our Nightmarket, or simply someone interested in otaku culture, we hope you find the answers to your questions.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, do not hesitate to contact us directly. Our team is here to help you!

Enjoy reading and we look forward to seeing you at the OtakuRave Nightmarket!

The OtakuRave Night Market known as Nightmarket is a unique event that brings together exhibitors offering a variety of products related to otaku culture during our main event. It's an opportunity for fans of anime, manga and video games to discover new products, meet artists and artisans, and celebrate their passion for otaku culture.

Join the OtakuRave wave and live your passion fully! You will be the first to know about new features for an epic experience.